Lego(R) fan Dan Glasure has stepped to the forefront of MOC (My Own Creation) brilliance and innovation with his latest creation, the Dark Knight’s Batcave.


In what is surely one of the most impressive MOC’s to come out this year and arguably the ultimate Lego Batcave to-date, Glasure’s work has set the bat-bar at a seriously high level. Dan’s Bat-Cave combines all the elements of Batman’s secret lair with stunning ingenuity, using specialised Lego bricks with precision and flair.


The Bat Cave is designed inside a Lego mountain and the rocky motif is featured throughout the work, both inside and out. Dan nicely combines small sloping elements in grey as well as translucent blue and yellow to create some lovely artistic features with his design. The floor is bathed in blue gemstone style bricks while yellow light floods from above creating an eerie yet beautiful effect that pulls you straight into the scene.


The interior of the cave itself features a rotating platform atop which the batmobile sits, a working laboratory with various beakers and sticker elements to add colour and authenticity. The armoury is back lit in blue, repeating the rock floor’s motif, and is stacked with tons of bat weapons. What is especially nice about the armoury is Batman’s armour sitting behind a transparent ‘glass’ wall.


Bruce Wayne’s mansion also features in this creation and is a nice addition to the overall set. Set in red bricks in a modular style, it complements the bat cave’s angles and organic structure nicely.


Looking at the batcave from a distance the overall aesthetic is mesmerizing. Glasure has done a fantastic job with this creation and deserves all the credit that this set may bring. Little details combine to create something that really is far greater than the sum of its parts. It took Dan more than two months to build the set, but it seems that the result speaks for itself.

Glasure himself says in relation to the set:

“When I set out to build our Batcave MOC, I was well aware there was already some stunning MOC’s out there. So my goal was never ‘to be the biggest or best’. Rather, I simply hoped to take a little different approach. My thought was to have a ‘working’ Batcave. I wanted it to look as if this was where ‘The World’s Greatest Detective’ spent a lot of time. Perhaps in his workshop, or in his labs, or working on turbine engines for his vehicles (though maybe that’s Alfred’s job!).”


With all the other Batcave MOC’s out there it is refreshing to see that imagination and innovation can still do so much to create something so spectacularly creative and different.

Brickman Dan

Brickman Dan is the founder of Brick Yourself and publishes regular articles on how LEGO® Art & Design, as well as LEGO® Investment.

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